Saturday, 23 July 2011

Sounds of Life

This week has been a new experience for me having no musical or audio background when entering this course. The idea that the absence of noise can mean as much as a musical note is a concept I am trying to wrap my head around. Music to me has always had a meaning and a rhythm. This abstract 'music' conflicts with the preconceptions and opinions I have on what music really is.

The Anechoic chamber was actually a very interesting experience it was akin the the feeling you get when you are scuba diving. It would be interesting to get some recordings from there and see what kind of sounds were produced.

I struggled a lot with the idea of the final piece of sound art. I could find no attraction to the project originally and found it very difficult to believe that and good sounding outcomes could be produced. However, as we moved forward in our own project I realised our piece had it's feel to it and that it created a new set of feelings I myself and the viewer. I came to realise this even more when we had the presentation and I found that I thoroughly enjoyed the majority of them. I'm looking forward to seeing how my perception of sound is going to change more as we progress through this project.  

Here is the complete Sound Bites - Gourmet Listening for the Ears