Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Racking The Brains

Today when we came together we realized that theidea we had settled on last week was not going to work. The day was spent trying to come up with a new idea that was still interesting and to the brief. Our first idea was a curb runner sort of robot that would move along the curb capturing all it saw as in went. Talking to James he asked how we could push the idea of using pre existing structures as the platform for our rig. The idea of returning to our original ideas of an up  high shot had us turning towards the idea of having it run round the edge of the building. 

We decided to head out into the street to look at the structures there were. Checking out the curbs we quickly saw the difficulties in its motion once it reached the end and also also how uniform the shot would be We would like some variance. This made me think that if we could get a more mobile shot from that angle it might provide a more interesting display. Nick came up with the idea of exploring the more seedy/ filthy side of the city using a low angle point if view of a rat. This would be achieved with a remote control car and a camera. The simplicity of this idea did not go down well with the set of the group though so it was pushed to the back of the mind. 

The rest of the day was spent developing the idea I hope to be able to use which is one that works around the idea of emulating the gramophone needle as it reads the vinyl record by reading the textures of the city. We would like to be able to amplify these and create a physical representation. I'd like to make some large scale vinyl replica's that could be used as hanging art. We could use a medium such as clay to record it. At the end of the day James suggested a flex sensor and i saw the logic behind that. Its something new to think about tomorrow. 

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