Our stop motion animation was born from a series of simple tasks set out for us by our lecturer. At the start of the day we each chose a specific role in the activity with no knowledge of what each of these roles were meant to do. These roles were the Actuator, Controller, Sensor and Tracker. It was later explained that the Actuator would do whatever the Controller said. The Controller was then limited by a set of cards that he would randomly draw from giving him the next command. The Sensor and Tracker each recorded the while process and the path and activities completed
Right from the start we chose to display these tasks in a Stop Motion Animation as from prior experience we knew this to be a fun and interesting medium to present our work in. We decided on a constant for our STM and chose to keep all shots centered and from a behind angle which never revealed the Actuators face. This came in handy as it added to a key idea thought up later.
After this was decided two things occurred.
One: we moved around town documenting the experiences of the actuator
Two: I got to be completely free of responsibility for any actions as the Actuator that would have normally felt embarrassing or may have caused issues. The result was quite a fun experience.
Once the pictures were taken we returned to the studio to start producing our STM in iMovie. Getting it started and running wasn't the issue. Making it interesting was. Just running as it was led to a boring result with little emphasis on the tasks. We decided to make the tasks stand out by desaturating(removing the colour) and then returning it only to parts of the image key to the tasks. A slightly longer pause also emphasised the key points. After that music was added and the frame rate was adjusted to fit making the video flow together nicely.
The final outcome was a very pleasing result.
Issues that we found after were a lack of a key idea to base it around and not quite enough consistency in our shots. With a little more time I believe the result would have been quite different and possibly more captivating for the audience
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