Sunday, 23 October 2011

Un-Reality: Stagnant Waters

After such a blast of brilliant ideas at the start we hit a major roadblock. We lost sight of where the project was going and how we could create a storyline out of the concept. We could find little or no incentive for the player to play the game. We had come up with far too much concept and realised we couldn't figure out how to build a story on this basis. With this in mind we had to make a choice. After 2 days of not being able to do much we started work on one of the smaller concepts we had been thinking about. The idea of exploring the reality of a child. Children view the world in a completely different way from an adult. They do not feel the social or societal pressures and they have no reason to hold back from doing anything. In essence they are the freest and happiest of us all. Why couldn't we recreate this for us at that age. This could be an experience for everybody involved including those who would act out the parts to play in it. With this in mind we started brainstorming ideas and dredging up our dearest and most vivid memories from our childhood. Things that had had some effect on the person we are now or that to us seemed to be the most fun part. The child's is one of the most creative. Hours can be spent by oneself making up your own world, your own reality.

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